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Designed to meet the unique needs of service management and technical support leaders, Service Management World will explore the strategic and tactical elements of managing and deploying an optimal service management strategy.

Session 203: Service Management Myth Busters

Doug Tedder  (Principal Consultant, Tedder Consulting LLC)

Rae Ann Bruno  (President, Business Solutions Training)

Matt Beran  (Product Specialish, InvGate)

Angee Phong  (Global Head of IT Service Desk, SS&C Technologies)

Location: Grand Caribbean 8/9

Date: Wednesday, November 20

Time: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Pass Type: Pre-Conference Training/Certification Course + Standard Conference Pass, Premium Conference Pass, Standard Conference Pass

Track: Connecting the Dots: Frameworks and Methodologies, Modernizing Service Management

Session Type: Session

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All

This highly-interactive discusion features your questions about ITSM and ITSM-related challenges, myths, urban legends, and down right lies answered with candid feedback from a panel of experienced professionals. What are those myths and urban legends that you're dealing with? Examples might be "Urban legend has it that AHT is a bad metric to use..." or "Popular opinion is that a Problem is X number of Incidents within Y amount of time..." and the panel will provide insight and answers to help you overcome those challenges and bust those myths. You don't want to miss this thought-provoking and provacative discussion!


ITSM myths busted

Thought-provoking insights into overcoming ITSM challenges