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Designed to meet the unique needs of service management and technical support leaders, Service Management World will explore the strategic and tactical elements of managing and deploying an optimal service management strategy.

Session 306: The Experience Approach to Transforming IT's Impact on Employee Happiness and Productivity

Rae Ann Bruno  (President, Business Solutions Training, INc.)

Location: Grand Caribbean 12

Date: Wednesday, November 20

Time: 3:45 pm - 4:45 pm

Pass Type: Pre-Conference Training/Certification Course + Standard Conference Pass, Premium Conference Pass, Standard Conference Pass

Track: Optimizing Culture and Leadership, Modernizing Service Management

Session Type: Session

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: Intermediate/Advanced

In the realm of IT service management (ITSM), success is often measured through metrics such as availability, response times, resolution rates, and customer satisfaction scores. However, focusing solely on these transactional indicators may overlook a significant aspect of IT's impact on the employee experience.

Research indicates that a substantial portion of employees do not report all the issues they encounter to the service desk, with many suffering silently due to a belief that IT won't adequately address their concerns. This disconnect between IT and employees can lead to a culture of low expectations and diminished productivity.

To address this challenge and reshape employees' perceptions of IT, organizations must adopt an experience-centric approach. By embracing experience management principles and eXperience Level Agreements (XLAs), IT can bridge the gap between transactional efficiencies and meaningful improvements in employee experience and productivity.

Attendees will learn how to shift IT's focus from mere transactions to holistic experiences, leveraging XLAs, Service Level Agreements (SLAs), and data-driven insights to drive continuous improvement. By aligning all IT functional groups around the goal of enhancing employee experience, organizations can foster a culture of trust, collaboration, and productivity.

Attend this session to discover practical strategies for leveraging experience management to transform IT's impact on employee productivity and satisfaction.


-Learn how experience management principles and eXperience Level Agreements (XLAs) can bridge the gap between transactional efficiencies and improved employee satisfaction.
-Discover how to leverage SLAs and data-driven insights to drive continuous improvement in IT service delivery.
-Gain insights into fostering a culture of trust, collaboration, and productivity through a focus on employee experience.